Thursday, April 14, 2016

School Assembly

Joseph, Tessa, Jacob, 
Sorcha and Aiden

Mackenzie and Dane

Thank you Miss Gallant for taking the photos.   
Staying Healthy
with a focus on 
Washing Our hands!

We read
Germs are not for sharing.

 We made one hand dirty
and one hand clean.

Look at our clean and dirty hands!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A BIG Welcome
to our 2 newest 
children and their families.

Sorcha and her family.

Aiden and his family.

Happy Birthday and a BIG Welcome to Sorcha and Aiden!

Happy Birthday and a BIG Welcome to Aiden and Sorcha! on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

This week we have been talking about having friends and being a friend.
We made some friend 'ships'

Charlie's friend'ship'

Joseph's friend'ship'


We had an earthquake drill today.
We know to stop, drop, cover and hold
and then we wait on middle mat until Mr Smith comes and says everything is safe.

What do you do at home when there is an earthquake?
Today was our last session of softball. Thanks Coach Jason for teaching us lots of new skills.......

Softball Stars

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Congratulations Dane - 
Reading Eggs Champion....

Our letter of the day.........Jj

Can you think of some words beginning with Jj......


Monday, April 4, 2016

John Cowan


 Over the last few weeks we have been working on making animal pictures.
 Firstly we made texture boards then we drew pictures of zoo animals using chalk and pastels. 
We used our texture boards to make our backgrounds. 
Lastly we dyed our backgrounds 
We are proud of our artwork.