Sunday, February 7, 2016

in Rata Tahi
Oral Language: Our focus is on developing confidence in speaking, listening and questioning skills.

Reading: Children will have school readers to take home every day and Letterland cards to practise. On Fridays, children will also bring home a poem to read. We visit the school library on Tuesdays and your child will be issued two books to bring home. Please remember to return library books by the next Tuesday so your child can get new books out.

In writing we will be working on writing personal recounts. We will be learning to:
·       think of ideas for writing
·       learn the correct letters and sounds
·       leave finger spaces
·       hear and record sounds

Spelling: For spelling, we are learning/revising the sounds and letters of the alphabet.

Our Maths focus this term is Number and Statistics.  We will be learning to:
·       count to 20 and beyond
·       know before and after numbers to 20
·       reading and ordering numbers to 20
·       making and interpreting pictograms.

Handwriting: We will be focusing on the correct formation of letters and numbers, and ensuring we can identify upper case/capital letters and lower case/small letters accurately.

Inquiry:  Our focus for the first half of the term will be Sunsmart and "All about Me"

Social Skill: Our first social skill is Respect. Check out the school newsletter for ideas on how you can help reinforce this skill at home.

Physical Education: We will be swimming in weeks 4 and 5. We have softball in Weeks 5 & 6.

REMEMBER to bring your sun hat every day.

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