Home Learning

Learning at Home.........

Here are some ways you can help your child at home:



NzMaths - families

Number knowledge is a key focus:

Some ideas -

  • counting forwards
  • counting backwards from a given number
  • naming numbers
  • writing numbers 1-10
  • ordering numbers from smallest to biggest
  • ordering numbers from biggest to smallest
  • asking what number comes before each number
  • asking what comes after each number
  • forming sets e.g. can you find me 6 blocks?
  • simple adding and subtracting - e.g. 2+1=3, 3-2=1

At Home Activities related to the Stages

Here are some activities you can use to help your child 
at each of the stages. 
Some of these may be familiar to you already, 
others may spark something new for you to try.

 Emergent (Stage 0)
· Singing counting/nursery rhymes.
· Using picture books for example 'The hungry caterpillar'
· Play 'snap' with playing cards
· Counting backwards and forwards to 10.

 One-to-one counting (Stage 1)
· Counting in everyday contexts 
e.g. getting the right number of pegs for the washing, 
setting the table (five people for tea—
how many knives/forks etc.)
· Playing 'Dominoes'
Counting for One on Materials (Stage 2)
· Use contexts to practice maths equations
* 5 apples in the fruit bowl and we're going to eat 2—
how many are left?
 Have the materials available to look at
* How many legs on 2 chairs?
* Four of us are having pizza for tea. 
How will we cut it fairly?
* Playing card games such as 'fish'

Counting from One by using Images (Stage 3)
· Use contexts to practice maths equations
* There are three people in our family, 
we have two people coming for tea—
How many more chairs will we need? 
(No material in front of the child—
they need to picture what it will look like)
* Playing card games such as 'Memories'

Counting On—advanced Counting (Stage 4)
· Use contexts to practice maths equations especially 
with money
* I've got 50 cents. I get 20 more cents—
how much have I got?
* I've got $27, my sister has $32—
How much more has she got? 
(27, 28 ,29, 30, 31, 32 or 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27)
* I have 21 lollies that I will share between three of us—
how many do we get each?
 (may need materials)
* Playing board fames such as 'Monopoly',
 'Snakes and Ladders'


  • Read as often as you can with your child.
  • Join the library
  • Listen to your child their books from school every night
  • Ask - What was your favourite part of the story?
  • What do you think will happen next?

Remember to praise, praise, praise


  • make writing fun, use chalk, water and paint brushes, magnetic letters, felt pens and crayons
  • work with your child to sound out the words they would like to write
  • in class we say the word, hear the sound and write it down
  • when they have spelling words help them practise these daily

Have fun learning at home just like we do at school

Letter formation

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